c# - get content files according to the number of revision -

i have seek difference between files after changes of content how can read , content while have same path , directory have use implement utility generate statistics code

    ilist<filespec> filestofind = new list<filespec>(); filestofind.add( new filespec(filespec.depotspec(dpath).depotpath, revision.none)); string[] files = new string[1]; files[0] = dpath; p4command command = new p4command(ps, "where", true, files); options opts = new options(); string v1="", v2="", v3="";   p4commandresult results = command.run(opts); taggedobjectlist list = (results.taggedoutput); foreach (taggedobject obj in list) {     console.out.writeline("v1=" + v1 + "hhhhhhhhh1");     int = 0; string v="";     foreach (string s in obj.keys)     {         string value = "n/a";         obj.trygetvalue(s, out value);         if (obj.keys.elementat(i).equals("depotfile"))             v1 = value;         if (obj.keys.elementat(i).equals("clientfile"))             v2 = value;         if (obj.keys.elementat(i).equals("path"))             v3 = value;         console.out.writeline(s + " = " + value);          i++;     }      string path = v3;      if (path==null)     {         console.writeline("can't' find file, {0}", path);     }     else     {         string extension = path.getextension(path);         if (extension!=null && !("".equals(extension)))         {             console.writeline("processing solution file, {0}", path);              fileinfo fi = new fileinfo(path);             using (streamreader sr = new streamreader(path, true))             {                 encoding encode = sr.currentencoding;                  string line = null;                 while ((line = sr.readline()) != null)                 {                     while (((line = sr.readline()) != null) && (line.contains("endglobalsection") == false))                     {                         console.writeline(line);                     }                 }             }         }     } } 

so how differ between files exemple when file changed 6 times

you can use p4 annotate

 getfileannotationscmdoptions gfacmo = new getfileannotationscmdoptions(getfileannotationscmdflags.allresults, k); 


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