html - Star Rating with SVG catering for decimal point rating -

i have code create star rating. have not used svg before , can't figure out how following:

  • rating out of 5
  • display ratings decimal place ie: 4.5, 3.2, 1.1 whole stars
  • rated stars need yellow, stars remaining need grey

how , change on example move star rating left , right display stars catering decimals?

fiddle example:


<svg height="210" width="500" fill="url(#g)">       <polygon points="165.000, 185.000, 188.511, 197.361, 184.021, 171.180,  203.042, 152.639,  176.756, 148.820,  165.000, 125.000,  153.244, 148.820,  126.958, 152.639,  145.979, 171.180,  141.489, 197.361,  165.000, 185.000" style="stroke: red;"/>     <lineargradient y2="0.9733" x2="1" id="g" x1="0.0167" y1="0.9833"> <stop stop-color="#f00" offset="0.4733"/> <stop stop-color="rgb(255, 255, 255)" offset="0.5033"/> </lineargradient>     </svg> 

the code attached - needed? there 5 stars in total, can simplified.


here fiddle dots:

you can place rectangle underneath masked elements. in fiddle, rectangle width=90, 90% (at bottom).

<rect x="0" y="0" width="90" height="20" style="fill:#2498c7; mask: url(#mask5)"/> 

change 90 55, example, , underlying fill shrink width.

warning: scrapped method, because did not work 20+ instances in page. example, when loading grid of rated products, ratings graphic disappear in chrome. js methods more reliable.


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