php - Where's my html tags going? -
starting frustrated form. i'm submitting html content database, stored , retrieved display on front end. have made sure use htmlspecialchars()
, however, code getting stripped down plain text upon saving.
i've read ton of post's questions identical mine, haven't found suitable answer.
here's code i'm having trouble with:
<li> <label for="summary">article summary</label> <textarea name="summary" id="summary" placeholder="brief description of article" required maxlength="1000" style="height: 5em;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $results['article']->summary )?></textarea> <script> ckeditor.replace( 'summary', { filebrowserbrowseurl: 'wysiwyg/kcfinder/browse.php? opener=ckeditor&type=files', filebrowserimagebrowseurl: 'wysiwyg/kcfinder/browse.php? opener=ckeditor&type=images', filebrowserflashbrowseurl: 'wysiwyg/kcfinder/browse.php? opener=ckeditor&type=flash', filebrowseruploadurl: 'wysiwyg/kcfinder/upload.php? opener=ckeditor&type=files', filebrowserimageuploadurl: 'wysiwyg/kcfinder/upload.php? opener=ckeditor&type=images', filebrowserflashuploadurl: 'wysiwyg/kcfinder/upload.php? opener=ckeditor&type=flash' }); </script> </li>
here's example of input:
<p><img alt="" src="/wysiwyg/kcfinder/upload/images/plymouth.png" style="height:323px; width:549px" /></p>
here's output:
pimg alt"" src"wysiwygkcfinderuploadimagesplymouth.png" style"height:323px width:549px" p
it submits database, , it's being retrieved , displayed on front-end, without html. also, output how it's being stored in database.
what happening here?
edit: php code requested.
<?php /** * class handle articles */ class article { // properties /** * @var int article id database */ public $id = null; /** * @var int when article / first published */ public $publicationdate = null; /** * @var string full title of article */ public $title = null; /** * @var string short summary of article */ public $summary = null; /** * @var string html content of article */ public $content = null; /** * sets object's properties using values in supplied array * * @param assoc property values */ public function __construct( $data=array() ) { if ( isset( $data['id'] ) ) $this->id = (int) $data['id']; if ( isset( $data['publicationdate'] ) ) $this->publicationdate = (int) $data['publicationdate']; if ( isset( $data['title'] ) ) $this->title = $data['title']; if ( isset( $data['summary'] ) ) $this->summary = $data['summary']; if ( isset( $data['content'] ) ) $this->content = $data['content']; } /** * sets object's properties using edit form post values in supplied array * * @param assoc form post values */ public function storeformvalues ( $params ) { // store parameters $this->__construct( $params ); // parse , store publication date if ( isset($params['publicationdate']) ) { $publicationdate = explode ( '-', $params['publicationdate'] ); if ( count($publicationdate) == 3 ) { list ( $y, $m, $d ) = $publicationdate; $this->publicationdate = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y ); } } } /** * returns article object matching given article id * * @param int article id * @return article|false article object, or false if record not found or there problem */ public static function getbyid( $id ) { $conn = new pdo( db_dsn, db_username, db_password ); $sql = "select *, unix_timestamp(publicationdate) publicationdate articles id = :id"; $st = $conn->prepare( $sql ); $st->bindvalue( ":id", $id, pdo::param_int ); $st->execute(); $row = $st->fetch(); $conn = null; if ( $row ) return new article( $row ); } /** * returns (or range of) article objects in db * * @param int optional number of rows return (default=all) * @param string optional column order articles (default="publicationdate desc") * @return array|false two-element array : results => array, list of article objects; totalrows => total number of articles */ public static function getlist( $numrows=1000000, $order="publicationdate desc" ) { $conn = new pdo( db_dsn, db_username, db_password ); $sql = "select sql_calc_found_rows *, unix_timestamp(publicationdate) publicationdate articles order " . mysql_escape_string($order) . " limit :numrows"; $st = $conn->prepare( $sql ); $st->bindvalue( ":numrows", $numrows, pdo::param_int ); $st->execute(); $list = array(); while ( $row = $st->fetch() ) { $article = new article( $row ); $list[] = $article; } // total number of articles matched criteria $sql = "select found_rows() totalrows"; $totalrows = $conn->query( $sql )->fetch(); $conn = null; return ( array ( "results" => $list, "totalrows" => $totalrows[0] ) ); } /** * inserts current article object database, , sets id property. */ public function insert() { // article object have id? if ( !is_null( $this->id ) ) trigger_error ( "article::insert(): attempt insert article object has id property set (to $this- >id).", e_user_error ); // insert article $conn = new pdo( db_dsn, db_username, db_password ); $sql = "insert articles ( publicationdate, title, summary, content ) values ( from_unixtime(:publicationdate), :title, :summary, :content )"; $st = $conn->prepare ( $sql ); $st->bindvalue( ":publicationdate", $this->publicationdate, pdo::param_int ); $st->bindvalue( ":title", $this->title, pdo::param_str ); $st->bindvalue( ":summary", $this->summary, pdo::param_str ); $st->bindvalue( ":content", $this->content, pdo::param_str ); $st->execute(); $this->id = $conn->lastinsertid(); $conn = null; } /** * updates current article object in database. */ public function update() { // article object have id? if ( is_null( $this->id ) ) trigger_error ( "article::update(): attempt update article object not have id property set.", e_user_error ); // update article $conn = new pdo( db_dsn, db_username, db_password ); $sql = "update articles set publicationdate=from_unixtime(:publicationdate), title=:title, summary=:summary, content=:content id = :id"; $st = $conn->prepare ( $sql ); $st->bindvalue( ":publicationdate", $this->publicationdate, pdo::param_int ); $st->bindvalue( ":title", $this->title, pdo::param_str ); $st->bindvalue( ":summary", $this->summary, pdo::param_str ); $st->bindvalue( ":content", $this->content, pdo::param_str ); $st->bindvalue( ":id", $this->id, pdo::param_int ); $st->execute(); $conn = null; } /** * deletes current article object database. */ public function delete() { // article object have id? if ( is_null( $this->id ) ) trigger_error ( "article::delete(): attempt delete article object not have id property set.", e_user_error ); // delete article $conn = new pdo( db_dsn, db_username, db_password ); $st = $conn->prepare ( "delete articles id = :id limit 1" ); $st->bindvalue( ":id", $this->id, pdo::param_int ); $st->execute(); $conn = null; } } ?>
ok. figured out problem.
in php code there preg_replace
string stripped html tags out of submissions. removing code allowed me store way needed stored.
the line preg_replace ( "/[^\.\,\-\_\'\"\@\?\!\:\$ a-za-z0-9()]/", "",
needed removed part processed form submission in order keep html tags.
when removing line, sure remove )
end of string, or generate php error: unexpected ')' on line xx
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