javascript - Requested unknown parameter '0' for row 1 -

"datatables warning: table id=datatables-example- requested unknown parameter '0' row 1."

i know there lot of similar answers available on google, of them uses json , well, don't. know parameter '0' referring event id, can enlighten me on change?

i have class named "trialevent", servlet named "eventretrieveservlet" , session bean.

the below codes in jsp.

<form method="get" action="eventretrieveservlet">                         <div class="panel-body">                             <div class="table-responsive">                                 <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"                                     id="datatables-example">                                     <thead>                                         <tr>                                             <th>event ref.</th>                                             <th>image</th>                                             <th>date</th>                                             <th>start</th>                                             <th>end</th>                                             <th>target percentage (%)</th>                                             <th>view coordinate</th>                                          </tr>                                     </thead>                                     <tbody>                                         <c:foreach var="revent" items="${eventlist}" varstatus="i">                                             <tr>                                                 <td>${revent.getidtrialevent()}</td>                                                 <td><img                                                     src='displayimage?image=${revent.gettrialimage().getimageurl()}'                                                     height=80px, width=100px></td>                                                 <td>${revent.getdate()}</td>                                                 <td>${revent.getstart()}</td>                                                 <td>${revent.getend()}</td>                                                 <td>${revent.gettargetperc()}</td>                                                 <td><a href="javascript:void(0)"                                                     onclick="shownewpage(${revent.getareacoords().getcoordsid()})"><img                                                         src="assets/img/view.png" height=20px width=20px></a></td>                                             <tr>                                         </c:foreach>                                      </tbody>                                  </table>                             </div>                         </div>                     </form> 

here's javascript

<!-- page-level demo scripts - tables - use reference --> <script>     $(document).ready(function() {         $('#datatables-example').datatable(                 );     }); </script> 

i'm trying paging work, suspect error preventing paging working.

you not closing correctly <tr> tag before </c:foreach>.


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