Powershell split string on multiple conditions -

i have csv file extracting first , last name column, seperate them in own columns.

so given string:

'john doe - generic- random' 

i use split(" ") extract first , last name

$string = 'john doe - generic- random' $firstname = $string.split(" ")[0] $lastname = $string.split(" ")[1] 

first issue

i found issue after last name, string not have space. example

$string = 'john doe-generic-random' 

how last name doe out rest. how can apply split 2 conditions of " " , "-"

2nd issue

some strings have first name. example...

$string = 'john - generic - random 

how can assign last name $null if case?

looks working...

$string = 'john doe - generic- random' $firstname = $string -split {$_ -eq " " -or $_ -eq "-"} $firstname[0]  $lastname = $string -split {$_ -eq " " -or $_ -eq "-"} $firstname[1] 

if there no last name, blank in column last name.

if there last name no space between lastname-info, exclude -info , add lastname last name column.


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