ssl - nginx and two certificates for one domain (EV nad wildcard) -

we have our domain.tld 2 certificates. 1 ev (for domain.tld , www.domain.tld) , wildcard subdomains.

our website running on www.domain.tld (always) , subdomains used images (img.domain.tld).

we using nginx "virtual hosts":

  server {  #        listen       443;          listen       443 ssl spdy;          server_name  domain.tld *.domain.tld;                  ssl on;                    # wildcard                  ssl_certificate /usr/local/nginx/cert/wildcard/uni_star_domain_tld.crt;                                         ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/nginx/cert/wildcard/wildcarddomain.tld.key;  ...

  server {  #        listen       443;          listen       443 ssl spdy;          server_name  www.domain.tld;                  ssl on;                    # ev                  ssl_certificate /usr/local/nginx/cert/wildcard/ev_cert_domain_tld.crt;                                         ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/nginx/cert/wildcard/ev.cert.domain.tld.key;  ...

problem www.domain.tld used ev certificate , wildcard certificate. why?

we running on single dedicated ip address, nginx has sni support enabled.

when think wildcard show in www.domain.tld (instead of ev) can check details of certificate ? maybe it's ev :

due mixed content, browser can decide not show ev green bar.


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