ios - how to add ARC in between of project -

i creating iphone app , in between need use sdwebimage. need use arc.

any idea how add arc in between in project?

note: in 1 file have below content.

#if !__has_feature(objc_arc) #error sdwebimage arc only. either turn on arc project or use -fobjc-arc flag #endif 

where should add -fobjc-arc flag?

select project form project manager   |   |    targets        |        |      build phases           |           |         compile sources                 |                 |             select file want crate arc. (you can select multiple file name here)                         |                         |                     press "enter" key                            |                            |                       popup box/window displayed                                 |                                |                             write here - '-fno-objc-arc'                                     |                                     |                                 , again press 'enter' key.  selected file being arc. 


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