vb.net - How to Edit Datagrid Records and also in database -

this code loading data database datagrid

private sub records_load(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles mybase.load     dim connstring string = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0; data source=" & my.application.info.directorypath.tostring() & "\backup\database3.accdb;"     dim myconn oledbconnection     dim da oledbdataadapter     dim ds dataset     dim tables datatablecollection     dim source1 new bindingsource      myconn = new oledbconnection     myconn.connectionstring = connstring     ds = new dataset     tables = ds.tables     da = new oledbdataadapter("select * [userinfo] order id", myconn)     da.fill(ds, "userinfo") 'change items database name     dim cb = new oledbcommandbuilder(da)     dim view new dataview(tables(0))     source1.datasource = view     datagridview1.datasource = view  end sub   private sub btncreate_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles btncreate.click     if requiredentry() = true         return     end if     try         dim cn new oledbconnection("provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0; data source=" & my.application.info.directorypath.tostring() & "\backup\database3.accdb;")          if cn.state = connectionstate.closed cn.open()          dim ssql string = "insert [userinfo]([username],[password],[firstname],[lastname],[account]) values(@username,@password,@firstname,@lastname,@account)"          dim cmd oledbcommand = new oledbcommand(ssql, cn)           ' username         if txtpassword.text = txtconfirm.text             dim username oledbparameter = new oledbparameter("@username", oledbtype.varwchar, 50)             username.value = txtuser.text.tostring()             cmd.parameters.add(username)         else             msgbox("password not matched")          end if          'password         dim password oledbparameter = new oledbparameter("@password", oledbtype.varwchar, 50)         password.value = txtpassword.text.tostring()         cmd.parameters.add(password)           'first name         dim firstname oledbparameter = new oledbparameter("@firstname", oledbtype.varwchar, 50)         firstname.value = txtfirstname.text.tostring()         cmd.parameters.add(firstname)           ' last name         dim lastname oledbparameter = new oledbparameter("@lastname", oledbtype.varwchar, 50)         lastname.value = txtlastname.text.tostring()         cmd.parameters.add(lastname)          'account          dim account oledbparameter = new oledbparameter("@account", oledbtype.varwchar, 50)         account.value = cboaccount.getitemtext(cboaccount.selecteditem)         cmd.parameters.add(account)            if cmd.executenonquery()             cn.close()             messagebox.show("new user added successfully.", "record saved")             call clear()             me.hide()             filemaintenance.show()           else             msgbox("new user addition failed ", msgboxstyle.critical, "addition failed")             return         end if      catch ex exception         exit sub     end try end sub private sub newuser_keydown(byval sender object, byval e system.windows.forms.keyeventargs) handles me.keydown     e.suppresskeypress = e.control     if e.keycode = keys.enter         sendkeys.send("{tab}")     end if  end sub 

and delete

private sub cmddelete_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles cmddelete.click     dim connstring string = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0; data source=" & my.application.info.directorypath.tostring() & "\backup\database3.accdb;"     dim myconn oledbconnection     dim da oledbdataadapter     dim ds dataset     dim tables datatablecollection     dim source1 new bindingsource     dim rows string       try         myconn = new oledbconnection         myconn.connectionstring = connstring         ds = new dataset         tables = (ds.tables)         rows = datagridview1.selectedrows(0).cells(0).value.tostring()         da = new oledbdataadapter("delete * [userinfo] id=" & rows, myconn)         da.fill(ds, "userinfo")         records_load(sender, e)      catch ex exception         messagebox.show("cannot delete empty records")     end try 

how can edit data datagrid view in database how can lock datagrid entering fields accidentally

your code wrong. you're retrieving data correctly in first place you're inserting , deleting incorrectly.

the idea use 1 data adapter 4 operations, i.e. select, insert, update , delete. that's why has selectcommand, insertcommand, updatecommand , deletecommand properties. call fill , executes sql in selectcommand retrieve data datatable. supposed make changes want, i.e. insert, update , delete, data in datatable. when you're done, call update on data adapter , execute sql in insertcommand, updatecommand , deletecommand required save changes database. here's example wrote long time ago:

private connection new sqlconnection("connection string here") private adapter new sqldataadapter("select id, name, quantity, unit stockitem", _                                       connection) private table new datatable  private sub initialisedataadapter()     dim delete new sqlcommand("delete stockitem id = @id", me.connection)     dim insert new sqlcommand("insert stockitem (name, quantity, unit) values (@name, @quantity, @unit)", me.connection)     dim update new sqlcommand("update stockitem set name = @name, quantity = @quantity, unit = @unit id = @id", me.connection)      delete.parameters.add("@id", sqldbtype.int, 4, "id")      insert.parameters.add("@name", sqldbtype.varchar, 100, "name")     insert.parameters.add("@quantity", sqldbtype.float, 8, "quantity")     insert.parameters.add("@unit", sqldbtype.varchar, 10, "unit")      update.parameters.add("@name", sqldbtype.varchar, 100, "name")     update.parameters.add("@quantity", sqldbtype.float, 8, "quantity")     update.parameters.add("@unit", sqldbtype.varchar, 10, "unit")     update.parameters.add("@id", sqldbtype.int, 4, "id")      me.adapter.deletecommand = delete     me.adapter.insertcommand = insert     me.adapter.updatecommand = update      me.adapter.missingschemaaction = missingschemaaction.addwithkey end sub  private sub getdata()     'retrieve data.     me.adapter.fill(me.table)      'the table can used here display , edit data.     'that involve data-binding not data access issue. end sub  private sub savedata()     'save changes.     me.adapter.update(me.table) end sub 

note example written sql server swap out sqlclient types oledb types , works access.

if want save changes reason call update after each change.

by way, connection string should written this:

dim connstring string = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0; data source=|datadirectory|\backup\database3.accdb;" 


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