xml - how to add copy of block "discount" in checkout magento -

i need add block (copy of block discount in shoppcard) under existing block. have code, nubby , don't know must add in config.xml , phtml file. so, created file config.xml(still empty) in directory local/andrew/catrt2/ect , add layuot , template in directories frontend/andrew/default/layout/coupon.xml code

<?xml version="1.0" ?>  <!-- root node magento layout configuration -->   <layout version="0.1.0">    <default>     <reference name="checkout.cart">         <block type="andrew/cart2_coupon2" name="checkout.cart2.coupon2"   as="coupon2" template="coupon2/view.phtml" after="checkout/cart/coupon"/>     </reference>    </default>   </layout> 

and frontend/andrew/default/templat/view.phtml(empty to) sorry bad english:)


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