android - GCM registration failed -

i working google push notifications. able retrieve reg id failing register mobile in server.can me going wrong

main activity:

gcmregistrar.checkdevice(this);     // make sure manifest set - comment out line     // while developing app, uncomment when it's ready.      gcmregistrar.checkmanifest(this);     //setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);     // mdisplay = (textview) findviewbyid(;     registerreceiver(mhandlemessagereceiver,             new intentfilter(display_message_action));     final string regid = gcmregistrar.getregistrationid(this);     mdisplay.append("reg id" + regid + " ");     if (regid.equals("")) {         // automatically registers application on startup.         gcmregistrar.register(this, sender_id);         //mdisplay.append("reg id" + regid + " ");     } else {         // device registered on gcm, check server.         if (gcmregistrar.isregisteredonserver(this)) {             // skips registration.             //mdisplay.append(getstring(r.string.already_registered) +             "\n");            // mdisplay.append("reg id" + regid + " ");         } else {             // try register again, not in ui thread.             // it's necessary cancel thread ondestroy(),             // hence use of asynctask instead of raw thread.           //  mdisplay.append("reg id" + regid + " ");             final context context = this;             mregistertask = new asynctask<void, void, void>() {                  @override                 protected void doinbackground(void... params) {                     boolean registered =                             serverutilities.register(context, regid,                     usernum);                     // @ point attempts register app                     // server failed, need unregister device                     // gcm - app try register again when                     // restarted. note gcm send                     // unregistered callback upon completion,                     // gcmintentservice.onunregistered() ignore it.                     if (!registered) {                         gcmregistrar.unregister(context);                     }                     return null;                 }                  @override                 protected void onpostexecute(void result) {                     mregistertask = null;                 }              };             mregistertask.execute(null, null, null);         }     } 

server utilities:

for (int = 1; <= max_attempts; i++) {         log.d(tag, "attempt #" + + " register");         try {             displaymessage(context, context.getstring(                     r.string.server_registering, i, max_attempts));             post(serverurl, params);             gcmregistrar.setregisteredonserver(context, true);             string message = context.getstring(r.string.server_registered);             commonutilities.displaymessage(context, message);             return true;         } catch (ioexception e) {             // here simplifying , retrying on error; in real             // application, should retry on unrecoverable errors             // (like http error code 503).             log.e(tag, "failed register on attempt " + i, e);             if (i == max_attempts) {                 break;             }             try {                 log.d(tag, "sleeping " + backoff + " ms before retry");                 thread.sleep(backoff);             } catch (interruptedexception e1) {                 // activity finished before complete - exit.                 log.d(tag, "thread interrupted: abort remaining retries!");                 thread.currentthread().interrupt();                 return false;             }             // increase backoff exponentially             backoff *= 2;         }     } 

server , sender id:

 static final string server_url = "http://";   /**  * google api project id registered use gcm.  */ static final string sender_id = "921198929963"; 

error log:

01-21 15:32:59.359 19009-19090/? e/gcmregistrar: internal error: retry     receiver class not set yet 01-21 15:32:59.365 19009-19090/? e/regid:   apa91bepjzzomsj10czbhxiaxmkyjmyzxtycusiho_bhmb-noqc-llu5usiaxzbf- iccjhtwgntysooxya9715u1kg4l2bv-zl3vz5dowk4mtyx9hdf5absaozmlo9ze_zdz-9ppnthi 01-21 15:32:59.988 19009-19090/? e/surakshagcm: failed register on  attempt 1 01-21 15:33:02.215 19009-19090/? e/surakshagcm: failed register on  attempt 2 01-21 15:33:06.647 19009-19090/? e/surakshagcm: failed register on  attempt 3 01-21 15:33:14.913 19009-19090/? e/surakshagcm: failed register on  attempt 4 

kindly use latest gcm jar file. if error "internal error: retry receiver class not set yet", have older version of client gcm.jar. can download either source or updated gcm.jar gcm repository.

you may use tutorial guide, project contains client libraries , samples explore gcm apis:


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