Include all pages in tampermonkey(userscript) -

i have include sites in tampermonkey..this script have run

// ==userscript== // @name       phishing blockz // @namespace  http://use.i.e.your.homepage/ // @version    0.1 // @description phishing block based on hyperlinks // @match      http://*/* // @run-at     document-end  var req = new xmlhttprequest();'get', document.location, false); req.send(null); var headers = req.status; var locheader=req.getresponseheader("location"); alert(headers); alert(locheader); 

have done wrong.please me run userscript in pages in chrome

// @match      http://*/* 

will match addresses starting http://... not https://... example.

use following include all addresses if that's require (including local pages may have saved on hard-drive!)..

// @match      *://*/* 

note: method below works @ time of writing virtue of potential bug or undocumented feature in tm2.12 (so subject change in future versions!!):

// @match      * 


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