javascript - position() in jquery ui -

i new jquery ui. reading position() docs of jquery ui. includes details 'of', 'at' , 'my' arguments.

i clear 'of' argument, still confused 'at' , 'my' arguments.

as per understanding, believe 1 of them required. can let me know why both of them required?

moreover, tells target element , positioned element. can let me know, point to, taking example ?

sorry such simple question , bad english.

thanks in advance.

it tells target element , positioned element. can let me know, point to

i clear 'of' argument

two of statements in conflict here. if clear of argument, should know target element already.

positioned element element want position. let's call a.

target element element relative want position a.

of used specify target element.

my , at used specify how want position these. my specifies positioning of a, , at specify how should positioned relative target.

for example my: 'top left' at:'bottom right' means want top put top left corner of a @ bottom right corner of target element

can let me know why both of them required?

they not required. docs says default value "center". don't need specify them if don't want change defaults

here's question asked few days snippet using positioning want position center of a @ center of target.


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