node.js - Where are the sources for phantomjs 1.9.19? -

i trying build phantom version 1.9.19 armv8-a processor. however, when checked out project's github page latest 1.9.x release found 1.9.8.

where can find sources 1.9.19?


version 1.9.19 required facebooks osquery. since not come pre-build arm have manually build , dependencies. breaks info phantomjs@1.9.19 failed exec install script.

there no phantomjs 1.9.19. phantomjs npm package supposed easy way install phantomjs , version corresponds phantomjs version contains, started go off rails version 1.9.8 onwards (which contains phantomjs 1.9.7). maintainer messed up.

phantomjs 1.9.8 last version of 1.x branch. can compile , create own phantomjs package version need.


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