activerecord - Not Equal to Comparison in Codeigniter Active records -

i quite confused error receiving code

$this->db->order_by('uid','desc')->where('type!=',"admin")->get('user_profile',$config['per_page'], $this->uri->segment(3)); 

here error

error number: 1064  have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql      server version right syntax use near ''admin' order `uid` desc limit 10' @ line 3  select * (`user_profile`) `type!=` 'admin' order `uid` desc limit 10  filename: c:\wamp\www\proposal\system\database\db_driver.php  line number: 330 

try query this. use single commas admin instead of double commas. , <> instead of !=

$this->db     ->where('type <>','admin')     ->order_by('uid','desc')     ->get('user_profile',$config['per_page'], $this->uri->segment(3)); 


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