java - Spring JavaConfig properties in bean is not getting set? -

i looking @ using spring javaconfig property files properties in bean not getting set?in bean not getting set?

here webconfig:

@configuration @enablewebmvc @propertysource(value = "") @import(databaseconfig.class) @importresource("/web-inf/applicationcontext.xml") public class webmvcconfig extends webmvcconfigureradapter {      private static final string message_source = "/web-inf/classes/messages";      private static final logger logger = loggerfactory.getlogger(webmvcconfig.class);      @value("${rt.setpassword}")     private string rtpassword;      @value("${rt.seturl}")     private string rturl;      @value("${rt.setuser}")     private string rtuser;       @bean     public  viewresolver resolver() {         urlbasedviewresolver url = new urlbasedviewresolver();         url.setprefix("/web-inf/view/");         url.setviewclass(jstlview.class);         url.setsuffix(".jsp");         return url;     }       @bean(name = "messagesource")     public messagesource configuremessagesource() {         logger.debug("setting message source");         reloadableresourcebundlemessagesource messagesource = new reloadableresourcebundlemessagesource();         messagesource.setbasename(message_source);         messagesource.setcacheseconds(5);         messagesource.setdefaultencoding("utf-8");         return messagesource;     }      @bean     public localeresolver localeresolver() {         sessionlocaleresolver lr = new sessionlocaleresolver();         lr.setdefaultlocale(locale.english);         return lr;     }      @override     public void addresourcehandlers(resourcehandlerregistry registry) {         logger.debug("setting resource handlers");         registry.addresourcehandler("/resources/").addresourcelocations("/resources/**");     }      @override     public void configuredefaultservlethandling(defaultservlethandlerconfigurer configurer) {         logger.debug("configuredefaultservlethandling");         configurer.enable();     }      @override     public void addinterceptors(final interceptorregistry registry) {         registry.addinterceptor(new localechangeinterceptor());     }      @bean     public simplemappingexceptionresolver simplemappingexceptionresolver() {         simplemappingexceptionresolver b = new simplemappingexceptionresolver();          properties mappings = new properties();         mappings.put("org.springframework.web.servlet.pagenotfound", "p404");         mappings.put("org.springframework.dao.dataaccessexception", "dataaccessfailure");         mappings.put("org.springframework.transaction.transactionexception", "dataaccessfailure");         b.setexceptionmappings(mappings);         return b;     }      @bean     public requesttrackerconfig requesttrackerconfig()     {         requesttrackerconfig tr = new requesttrackerconfig();         tr.setpassword(rtpassword);         tr.seturl(rturl);         tr.setuser(rtuser);          return tr;     }   } 

the value in tr.url "rt.seturl" not value in

i'm not 100%, think @propertysource isn't quite right. instead of

@propertysource(value = "")

it should be:


based on this:

spring propertysource documentation

also, based on link above , since have mentioned converting java config approach instead of xml, think below might solution issue:

resolving ${...} placeholders in , @value annotations in order resolve ${...} placeholders in definitions or @value annotations using properties propertysource, 1 must register propertysourcesplaceholderconfigurer. happens automatically when using in xml, must explicitly registered using static @bean method when using @configuration classes. see "working externalized values" section of @configuration javadoc , "a note on beanfactorypostprocessor-returning @bean methods" of @bean javadoc details , examples.

the example link above how it:

 @configuration  @propertysource("classpath:/com/myco/")  public class appconfig {      @autowired      environment env;       @bean      public testbean testbean() {          testbean testbean = new testbean();          testbean.setname(env.getproperty(""));          return testbean;     }  } 

so add @ top:

@autowired environment env; 

then in method use:


and on remaining property values. not familiar way doing it. know above approach work though.


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