oauth - Oauth2 authentication failed -
i'm trying use spring oauth2sso in application (client) oauth2 provider have installed. client configured in oauth2 provider , clientid, clientsecret, accesstokenuri , userauthorizationuri configured in client, when user authenticated , authorize client , after redirection, client show me error of authentication failed because springoauth2sso library not user details.
whitelabel error page application has no explicit mapping /error, seeing fallback. thu jan 21 10:28:28 cet 2016 there unexpected error (type=unauthorized, status=401). authentication failed: not obtain user details token
i tested provider other oauth2 libraries , pretty i'm not sure happened in case.
this error can have lot of different meaning wrapper invalidtokenexception.
your token can invalid, expired or there might problem client or problem when retrieving userdetails.
to more info problem recommend debugging , placing debugging point straight source of error oauth2clientauthenticationprocessingfilter. @ line 99 filter trying load authentication resourceservertokenservices implementation , if step call find out what's causing error.
also i'm not sure understood configuration correctly suppose might need 1 of these 2 properties:
security.oauth2.resource.token-info-uri security.oauth2.resource.user-info-uri
more info here: spring boot docs
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