problems acessing php files in wampserver -

i installed wampserver , thought did correctly not sure did. wampserver icon green , created project in phpmyadmin.

when type in localhost in browser address bar, can see project listed on wampserver page listed under projects. created php file under c:/wamp/www/new document.php when try run test retrieve php file error:

not found requested url /webapp/init.php not found on server. apache/2.4.9 (win64) php/5.5.12 server @ localhost port 80

can me access php file? i'm trying follow tutorial , can't beyond step.

that's better not use spaces in file names. please try replace spaces in file names, underscores( _ ).

also according given error, have maybe used 1 of these php functions:

include() include_once() require() require_once() 

fot init.php file, address not exist. please try check relative path file.


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