Changing a TextView on an Android Widget from within the onReceive method rather than onUpdate -

i'm developing application runs service regularly sends broadcasts current state. broadcasts received appwidgetprovider using onreceive method:

@override public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {     super.onreceive(context, intent);     if (intent.getaction().equals(action_status_changed)) {         bundle b = intent.getbundleextra("updateinfo");         remoteviews views = new remoteviews(context.getpackagename(), r.layout.widget_app_control);         // doesn't work reason         views.settextviewtext(, b.getstring(myservice.bit_of_information));          // update widgets         appwidgetmanager appwidgetmanager = appwidgetmanager.getinstance(context);         int[] appwidgetids = appwidgetmanager.getappwidgetids(new componentname(context, appcontrolwidgetprovider.class));         this.onupdate(context, appwidgetmanager, appwidgetids);     } } 

however, though i've added call onupdate, new text meant set using settextviewtext not make actual widgets. if make bundle i've taken information available whole instance of class (saving in attribute, sake of testing) , make exact same call settextviewtext within onupdate method, textview updates expected.

i've browsed regarding topic extent now, everywhere else setting textview text within onreceive method in exact same manner i'm doing (unless i'm missing something, is) seems work fine.


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