datagridview - C# Key press Event handling -

i have problem application. use customized tabcontrol in neotabcontrollibrary. and, in neotabpage, have several datagridview.

here problem. in datagridview, when press up/down key, works properly. seleceted cell moves up/down. but, when press right/left key, event works on tabcontrol not on datagridview.

i don't need key navigate function on tabcontrol. want use key navigate on selected cell moving only.

is there way fix it? please help.

to provide accurate answear best if provided code. while not ideal in case not need right/left key anywhere else on specific form use

protected override bool processcmdkey(ref message msg, keys keydata) {       //do stuff here       return base.processcmdkey(ref msg, keydata); } 

method specify behaviour of 2 keys.


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