javascript - Too many browser.wait calls in protractorjs -

my test steps test logout flow are,

1) click logout button

2) wait url change login.html

3) wait login page text fields loaded.

code looks like,

//wait logout menu/button     browser.wait(function(){   return element(by.buttontext('log out')).ispresent() }) element(by.buttontext('log out')).click() //wait url change login.html browser.wait(function(){   return browser.getcurrenturl().then(function(url){     return url.indexof("login") != -1   }) }) //wait login page text boxes browser.wait(function(){   return element(by.css('[type=text]')).ispresent() }) 

this makes code lengthy since, wrapping each action inside browser.wait call. there way can avoid browser.wait. tried adding,


but then, no element found using locator: by.buttontext("log out") error.

protractor has inbuilt expectedconditions checks, don't have write custom function time. here's how wait element visible -

var ec = protractor.expectedconditions; browser.wait(ec.presenceof(element(by.buttontext('log out'))), 10000); //checks if element present in dom browser.wait(ec.visibilityof(element(by.buttontext('log out'))), 10000); //checks if element present in dom , visible user on page 

you can create custom function shown in answer. hope helps.


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