matlab - save multiple matrices in dir after truncating -
i working code, based on previous user examples. trying read ascii files in directory specified , read first 80 rows of data each file (1020 total rows , 2 columns, originally). routine not give me errors it's unclear me how data stored in matlab, , how can manipulate each of new matrices of 80 rows i've created. can give each .asc file truncated new file name or matrix assignment? next need peakfinding algorithm on 80 rows in each file, need each of them stored separately. thanks!
folder = fullfile('users', ...'documents', 'matlab'); f = dir(fullfile(folder, '*.asc')); matrices = struct(); ii = 1 : numel(f) name = fullfile(folder, f(ii).name); o = dlmread(name); matrices.(f(ii).name) = o(1:80,:); end
this won't work.
the loop loops files in directory. each file read temporary matrix o, first 80 lines stored structure matrices. but: matrices structure referenced full file names of corresponding asc files i.e. blabla.asc
matlab structs referenced dots , consequently forbids dots in field names structs.
change code to:
f = dir(fullfile(folder, '*.asc')); matrices = struct(); ii = 1 : numel(f) name = fullfile(folder, f(ii).name); o = dlmread(name); prf_sff = strsplit(f(ii).name, '.') matrices.(prf_sff{1}) = o(1:80,:); end
then can reference matrix containing first 80 lines of blabla.asc with:
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