mysql - PHP Script runs fine in browser but not through Command Line -

i'm using xampp on windows 7. have following simple script

<?php  require("classes/autoloader-class.php");  $query=new login(); $query->query("insert  poupdate(`po`, `fval`, `nr`, `fsa`, `act`, `doctype`, `usr`) values ('po','fval','nr','fsa','act','doctype','user')"); ?>   

script runs fine in browser , records inserted in database when try through following php command no records inserted

d:\xampp\php\php.exe -c -f d:\xampp\htdocs\mytest\test.php 

when echo output text in command line; think there problem mysql no error.

please note -c being used load libraries php.ini

how can troubleshoot ? in advance

[following command helped me in executing command]

d:\xampp\htdocs\mytest>d:\xampp\php\php.exe -c -f test.php 

just thought. directory working path when execute via command line? is: "standing" when execute command?

try moving mytest folder first.

> d: > cd d:\xampp\htdocs\mytest 


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