android - OutOfMemoryError when doing setImageResource() -

imageview.setimageresource(int id); showing outofmemoryerror. have tablelayout in adding tablerow pragmatically, in each row i'm setting image, in projects resource folder, referencing image withe resource_id.

private void additems() {     table.removeallviews();     random rand = new random();      (int = 0; < 20; i++) {         tablerow row = new tablerow(getactivity());         table.addview(row);          relativelayout profile = (relativelayout) getlayoutinflater(null).inflate(r.layout.buddyname, null);         textview name = (textview) profile.findviewbyid(;         name.settext(randomnames[i]);          imageview photo = (imageview) profile.findviewbyid(;         photo.setimageresource(randomphoto[new random().nextint(randomphoto.length - 1)]);         row.addview(profile);     } }   

each time doing table.removeallviews(); not working, can guess because image resource loading again , again on heap , not clearing heap, can reference loaded image, there solution.

buddyname? seems contact list. if is, use listview instead. dynamically loads elements visible. 20 table rows indeed much.


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