(C++) Cannot refer to an enum class inside a namespace -

hello met problem during project, have this:


namespace machine {     enum class size{         tiny,         small,         medium     }     //other stuff..... 

and in file:


#include "types.h" class sample{     public:         void some_function();         machine::size s; //this declaration correct } 


#include "test.h" void some_function(){     s = machine::size::tiny;//line aaaa; line error } 

at line aaaa kept getting error message:

error: 'machine::size' not class or namespace

anyone have idea why? or not put enum class inside namespace? thanks!

edit: fixed machine spell problem in first file, sorry that

machine::size s place hold attribute (the size of machine), don't think it's special.

in test.cpp replace definition starting with

void some_function() 


void sample::some_function() 

as otherwise defining free standing function no relation whatsoever class sample (in other words, not defining member function). in case s not seen member variable of class sample, hence error.


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