c# - ZipFile Entry FulllName Folder Oblique Line sometimes '\' sometimes '/' direction change -

i use method fullname property in zipfile

public static string getallfullname(string zippath) {     string s = "";     using (ziparchive archive = zipfile.openread(zippath))     {         foreach (ziparchiveentry entry in archive.entries)         {             s += entry.fullname + "\n";         }     }     return s; }  string s = getallfullname(zippath); //save string savefilepath file(such txt) file.writealltext(savefilepath, s, encoding.default); 

then can see fullname in zip.

and in case, zipfile others , print fullname, result (part of result)

telerik.windows.controls.dll telerik.windows.controls.input.dll wms.silverlight.languages.dll zh-hans\system.windows.data.resources.dll assets\appmenu.xml assets\configuration.xml assets\resource.xml image\lock16.png 

then unzip file in folder, , choose files , right click use winrar zip .zip again.

and print zip file get(part of result)

telerik.windows.controls.dll telerik.windows.controls.input.dll wms.silverlight.languages.dll assets/ assets/appmenu.xml assets/configuration.xml assets/resource.xml dlls/ dlls/system.windows.controls.extensions.dll image/ image/lock16.png image/login.png image/wms_login_bar.png image/wms_logo_s.png 

i find direction of oblique line change(that line represent folder same general),

why same zipfile doing can change direction of line?

what i'm doing need recognize fullname something, if direction can change this,

it cause big problem, because if add fullname '/', maybe other zip action , direction change add unrecognizable.

what reason condition , how determine when direction turn , turn direction?


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