Flyway - Cant run Multiple sql Scripts -

my files - v3.2-alter.sql , v3.2-3insert_fmcc.sql

if running flyway - error ..

[error] failed execute goal org.flywaydb:flyway-maven-plugin:3.2.1:migrate (default) on project snapdealops: org.flywaydb.core.api.flywayexception: found more 1 migration version 3.2 offenders:

[error] -> /home/kartikeya/git/snapdealops/mysqldb/release-v3.2/v3.2-1alter.sql (sql) [error] -> /home/kartikeya/git/snapdealops/mysqldb/release-

v3.2/v3.2-3insert_fmcc.sql (sql)

cant run multiple sql scripts single version . have put queries in single file .

if want 2 files, need give them 2 versions (like , how order of application defined.


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