java - Asynchronous handling of messages - which concurrency primitives to use? -

i building simple implementation of postgresql wire protocol, , want client send messages service, , process them asynchronously in background. having little trouble understanding when use executorservice versus using raw threads. using 2 blockingqueues - 1 put messages on , have them sent server, , 1 receive messages into, code far below.

what want know is, make sense use executorservice here or should create , start receivethread , sendthread standalone threads (i.e. new thread(new receivethread()).start();)?

import*; import; import java.nio.bytebuffer; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list; import java.util.concurrent.*;   public class connection {      private messagebuilder builder;     private messagereader reader;      private blockingqueue<byte[]> sendqueue;     private blockingqueue<byte[]> receivequeue;      private executorservice exec = executors.newfixedthreadpool(2);      private socket socket;      public connection(string hostname, int port, string username) throws ioexception {         this(new messagebuilder(), new messagereader(), hostname, port, username);     }      public connection(messagebuilder builder, messagereader reader, string hostname, int port, string username) throws ioexception {         this.builder = builder;         this.reader = reader;         this.sendqueue = new linkedblockingdeque<byte[]>();         this.receivequeue = new linkedblockingdeque<byte[]>();         socket = new socket(hostname, port);         list<param> params = new arraylist<param>();         params.add(new param("user", username));         sendqueue.add(builder.buildstartupmessage(3, 0, params));          exec.submit(new sendthread(sendqueue, new dataoutputstream(socket.getoutputstream())));         exec.submit(new receivethread(receivequeue, new datainputstream(socket.getinputstream()), new messagereader()));     }      public void sendmessage(byte[] bytes) {         sendqueue.add(bytes);     }      public void closeconnection() throws ioexception {         socket.close();     } }  class receivethread implements callable<boolean> {     private blockingqueue<byte[]> receivequeue;     private datainputstream dis;     private messagereader reader;      public receivethread(blockingqueue<byte[]> queue, datainputstream dis, messagereader reader) {         this.receivequeue = queue;         this.dis = dis;         this.reader = reader;     }      public boolean call() throws exception {         byte msgbyte = dis.readbyte();         system.out.println("response type is: " + (char) msgbyte);         int length = dis.readint();         byte[] message = new byte[length+1];         message[0] = msgbyte;         byte[] bytes = bytebuffer.allocate(4).putint(length).array();         system.arraycopy(bytes, 0, message, 1, bytes.length);         int readlength =, 5, length - 5 );         system.out.println("readlength : " + readlength + " should length: " + (length-5));         receivequeue.put(message);         return true;     } }  class sendthread implements callable<boolean> {      private blockingqueue<byte[]> sendqueue;     private dataoutputstream dos;      public sendthread(blockingqueue<byte[]> queue, dataoutputstream dos) {         this.sendqueue = queue;         this.dos = dos;     }      public boolean call() throws exception {         byte[] message = sendqueue.take();         dos.write(message);         return true;     } }  

the main benefit of using executorservice provides thread pooling. if have many short-lived threads, overhead caused creation of these threads may significant. executorservice can take care of working thread pool, , assigning threads tasks. takes care of scheduling. say, have 15000 jobs do, each takes 5ms complete. creating 15000 threads not make sense. executorservice schedule jobs on, say, 4 threads. can use different types of executorservices depending on needs.

i don't understand in code, why not using loops in send , receive threads. code receive/send 1 message don't think intention. rid of executorservice , have 2 long-lived threads, 1 sending, 1 receiving (as have). inside these, however, should write while loop periodically checks content of queues.


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