javascript - Remove CSS properties that were set in a CSS file (not inline CSS) [jQuery] -

i have css property set in stylesheet file:

.main-outer-div-filter {     max-height: 230px; } 

i trying remove jquery so:


for reason, way doesn't seem have affect, works if set style inline, not when in css file. there way use jquery reset/remove css properties, set in css file?

thank you

with ('max-height', '') removing inline css. work if set inline before. reset it, use initial value:

$(document).ready(function() {    $('.special').css({      'max-height': 'initial'    });  });
li {    height: 50px;    border: 1px solid black;    max-height: 20px;  }
<script src=""></script>  <ul>    <li>max-height: 20px;</li>    <li class="special">max-height: initial;</li>  </ul>


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