PHP access level system using session array -

i have login , register system working fine, although want add user access levels users admin access can go on page regular users can't. have code echoing know if work @ moment.

this code i'm using:

echo("hello $_session[user]");   if ($_session['user']==1) {     echo "you have admin access"; } else {     echo "you're regular user"; } 

so basically, if user have level 1 in database, admin , below regular user.

the problem never works, displays "you're regular user"

and code:

echo("hello $_session[user]");  

echo's out "hello arrayyou're regular user"

i know login system has session set user, says array.

here login page, didn't make since i'm new php:

and curious, know level row in database working because have echoed out fine using script, can see here

$_session['user'] associative array, containing various attributes of user retrieved database. id number in id element of array, need do:

echo("hello {$_session['user']['username']} (id = {$_session['user']['id']})");   if ($_session['user']['id']==1) {     echo "you have admin access"; } else {     echo "you're regular user"; } 


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