python - How to use restful upload multiple files with array? -

my schema:

test_multivalues = {     'name': {'type':'string'},     'multi': {'type': 'list', 'schema': {'type': 'media'}},     'arr': {'type': 'list'}, } 

i use post data follow:

content-type: multipart/form-data

name: multivalue multi: ....file1... multi: ....file2.... arr: [arr_value1, arr_value2] 

in eve,parameter arr list, multi first value. expect multi list [file1, file2].

when read code, eve use werkzeug's multidict.to_dict() in payload() method return first value same key. how can key multiple values list ?

updated: eve raise exception above schema , post data: multi:must of list type

updated: yes, test curl.

curl -f "image=@text.txt" -f "image=@test.txt"  http://localhost/eve/api 

when changed code in payload() to:

v = lambda l: l if len(l) > 1 else l[0] return dict([(k, v(request.form.getlist(k))) k in request.form] +             [(k, v(request.files.getlist(k))) k in request.files]) 

it return file list, eve's post method not support it, , throw exception.

ugly way solve this:

def saver(filestorageobj):                 filestorageobj,       ,                 content_type=filestorageobj.mimetype,                 resource='test')  def pre_test_post_callback(request):     werkzeug.datastructures import immutablemultidict      # files format: [("pics", filestorageobject)]     pics = [saver(         upfile[1]         ) upfile in request.files.items(true) if upfile[0] == "pics"]     form = request.form.copy()     form['pics'] = pics     request.form = immutablemultidict(form)     request.files = immutablemultidict() 


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