typography - Is there a way to move letters closer to each other for only a certain range of a string using CSS? -

given have string "software", reduce spacing between "f" , "t" , keep rest of string spacing is.

plan b me @ point add span around letters f , t ideally not have touch markup. question is:

is there way change spacing between letters range of string using css or scss?

code example:




h1{    letter-spacing:-0.13em; //is there way specify range here? } 

here plan b:

h1{    font-size:5rem;    font-family: 'comfortaa', cursive;  }  span{    letter-spacing: -0.13em;  }
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=exo+2|michroma|comfortaa' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>  <h1>so<span>ft</span>ware</h1>

what want normal typographical behavior, referred "kerning", adjusts intra-letter spacing in visually pleasing ways. example:

enter image description here

kerning function of font. in other words, fonts have kerning data, , don't. in example above, font times new roman, contain kerning information. can see, "f" , "t" positioned.

comfortaa has no kerning. solve problem, use font contains kerning data.


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