php - yii pagination with array -

i trying yii pagination , followed example. how ever not seem work me. want paginate array of string values. following have:


$location = $this->location($_server['server_name']); $files = $this->getfiles("/data/scan/invoice"); $page = (isset($_get['page']) ? $_get['page'] : 1); $item_count = count($files);         $pages = new cpagination($item_count); $pages->setpagesize(yii::app()->params['listperpage']); $criteria = new cdbcriteria();  $pages->applylimit($criteria);  // trick here!         $this->render('index',array(             "location"=>$location,             "files"=>$files,             'item_count'=>$item_count,                           'page_size'=>yii::app()->params['listperpage'],             'pages'=>$pages )); 


<div id="main">     <table>         <?php foreach($files $q): ?>          <form>             <tr>                 <td rowspan=2>                     <div>                         <object data="<?php echo '/data/scan/invoice/'.$q; ?>" type="application/pdf">                             <p>                                 appears don't have pdf plugin browser. no                                 biggie... can <a href="#">click                                     here download pdf file.</a>                             </p>                         </object>                     </div>                 </td>                 <td><input id="lognumber" type="text" /> <input type="button" value="search" onclick="search()"/>                  <div style="height:40px;width:100%;">                 </div>                     <br> <input type="button" value="save" />                      <br> <input type="button"value="delete" /> <br>                     <div id="lookup"></div>                 </td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <td height="300px"><?php //echo $this->paginationcontrol($this->paginator,'jumping','partial/my_pagination_control.phtml'); ?>                 </td>             </tr>         </form>         <?php endforeach; ?>     </table> </div>  <?   $this->widget('clinkpager', array(         'currentpage'=>$pages->getcurrentpage(),         'itemcount'=>$item_count,         'pagesize'=>$page_size,         'maxbuttoncount'=>5,         //'nextpagelabel'=>'my text >',         'header'=>'',         'htmloptions'=>array('class'=>'pages'), )); 

the array of string values filepaths used display pdf files in object viewer.

the problem apply limit on empty cdbcriteria:

$criteria = new cdbcriteria(); $pages->applylimit($criteria);  // trick here! 

and never use $criteria. in example apply limit on $criteria , use fetch data when yii fetching data knows it'll paginated:

$this->render('index',array(                         'model'=> modelnamex::model()->findall($criteria),          )); 

to want you'll need use carraydataprovider data need paginated.

$dataprovider=new carraydataprovider($files); $dataprovider->setpagination($pages); 

and in view you'll need call

$dataprovider->getdata() //will return list of arrays. 


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