android - Google Photos image cropping tool -
how create image cropping tool google photos application image cropping tool? have searched everywhere, didn't found library or code works google photos cropping app.
i mean, functionality of app. have found many libraries, problem that, when add seekbar image rotating, rotating hole view (image , cropping frame), want, cropping frame don't rotate.
i tried libraries
here rotating code, , library
private void rotateclick(){ seekbar.setonseekbarchangelistener(new seekbar.onseekbarchangelistener() { @override public void onprogresschanged(seekbar seekbar, int progress, boolean fromuser) { imageview.setrotation(progress) } @override public void onstarttrackingtouch(seekbar seekbar) { } @override public void onstoptrackingtouch(seekbar seekbar) { } }); }
and xml
<seekbar android:id="@+id/seekbar" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> < android:layout_margintop="20dp" android:id="@+id/crop_image" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:scaletype="center" android:adjustviewbounds="true" android:layout_below="@id/done_cancel_bar" />
you can use method crop image. hopes you.
public static void copyfile(file src, file dst) { try { dst.createnewfile(); fileinputstream instream = new fileinputstream(src); fileoutputstream outstream = new fileoutputstream(dst); filechannel inchannel = instream.getchannel(); filechannel outchannel = outstream.getchannel(); inchannel.transferto(0, inchannel.size(), outchannel); instream.close(); outstream.close(); }catch (ioexception e) { log.e("copy", "failed copy"); } }
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