java - Change timezone of date before sending to MonngoDB -

i querying mongo db below query

 query: { "modifieddate" : { "$lt" : { "$date" : "2016-01-20t05:08:28.000z"}} 

this date in modifieddate provided backend ui in long format has value 1453286308000. long date converted date object using below line


returned date class object of value "2016-01-20 10:38:28". want date in utc format before querying mongodb. mongo query,


date object coming in query "2016-01-20t05:08:28." not "2016-01-20 10:38:28" expected.

this 5.30 hrs difference caused because date considering local timezone. possible avoid it.

i tried using

 calendar cal = gregoriancalendar.getinstance(timezone.gettimezone("utc"));  cal.settimeinmillis(value + timezone.getdefault().getrawoffset()); 

which gives me expected result. there better approach or work in scenarios?


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