java - Read data from multiple text files -

i have text files in folder. contains letters , numbers. example 1 of tex file contains:

db: localhost data created: 2016-01-18 user: root pass: usbw 

so want scan files in folder. , print info inside every text file screen. far trying use code:

class filehandle {     int i;     string a;     string b;      public void openfile() throws filenotfoundexception {         file dir = new file("c:/folder/db");         if (dir.isdirectory()) {             (file file : dir.listfiles()) {                 scanner s = new scanner(file);                 string f = file.getname();                 system.out.println("file name:" + f);                 while (s.hasnext()) {                     if (s.hasnextint()) {                         = s.nextint();                         system.out.println("int: " + i);                     }                     =;                     b =;                     system.out.printf("%s", a);                     system.out.printf("%s", b);                     s.close();                 }             }         }     } } 

but got error:

file name:localdb.txt exception in thread "main" java.lang.illegalstateexception: scanner closed     @ java.util.scanner.ensureopen( localhostcreated:   @ java.util.scanner.hasnext(     @ databasesearch.filehandle.openfile(     @ databasesearch.databasesearch.main(  c:\users\d1sturbance\appdata\local\netbeans\cache\8.1\executor-     snippets\run.xml:53: java returned: 1  build failed (total time: 0 seconds) 

remove s.close(); or move outside of while loop.


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