ios - Alamofire response not matching request -

i having issue when making post request api via alamofire, gets work without issue, whenever make post when check response results of last get.

import alamofire import swiftyjson  class networkmanager {     static let sharedinstace = networkmanager()      let defaultmanager: alamofire.manager = {         let servertrustpolicies: [string: servertrustpolicy] = [             "": .disableevaluation         ]          let configuration = nsurlsessionconfiguration.defaultsessionconfiguration()         configuration.httpadditionalheaders = alamofire.manager.defaulthttpheaders          return alamofire.manager(             configuration: configuration,             servertrustpolicymanager: servertrustpolicymanager(policies: servertrustpolicies)         )     }() }  internal class apihelper {      /**      data target url , return json data parsed       - parameter targeturl: url pull data      - parameter success:   return data calling function      - parameter failure:   return error message calling function      */     private func getdatafromapi(targeturl: string, success:(jsondata: json) -> (), failure:(message: string) -> ())  {          networkmanager.sharedinstace.defaultmanager.request(.get, targeturl).responsejson { response in             print(response.result)             switch response.result {             case .success:                 if let jsonraw = response.result.value {                     let json = json(jsonraw)                      success(jsondata: json)                  }             case .failure(let error):                 print(error.localizeddescription)                 failure(message: error.localizeddescription)             }         }     }      /**      post data target url , return errors json data parsed       - parameter targeturl:  url post      - parameter parameters: json data post      - parameter success:    return success message calling function      - parameter failure:    return json data calling function server error      */     private func postdatatoapi(targeturl: string, parameters: [string : anyobject], success:() -> (), failure:(jsondata: json) -> ())  {          networkmanager.sharedinstace.defaultmanager.request(.post, targeturl, parameters: parameters, encoding: .json).responsejson { response in             debugprint(response)              success()         }     }       /**      post updated profile api       - parameter parameters: json data posted      - parameter success:    success callback      - parameter failure:    json data of servererror      */     internal func postupdaterequest(parameters: [string : anyobject], success:() -> (), failure:(jsondata: json) -> ()) {         let url = ""          postdatatoapi(url, parameters: parameters, success: {             success()             }, failure: { jsondata in                 failure(jsondata: jsondata)         })     }      /**      states api       - parameter success: json data of states      - parameter failure: failure message      */     internal func getallstates(success:(jsondata: json) -> (), failure:(message: string) -> ()) {         let url = ""         getdatafromapi(url, success:             { jsondata in                 success(jsondata: jsondata)             }, failure: { message in                 failure(message: message)         })     } }  let api = apihelper() api.getallstates({ jsondata in     print(jsondata)     let params: [string : anyobject] = ["name" : "bob"]     api.postupdaterequest(params, success: { jsondata in         print("success")         }, failure: { message in             print("message")     })     }, failure: { message in         print(message) }) 

my code first gets list of states , posts updated user profile. issue in when response updated user profile, includes response earlier request had been completed. post goes through , changes made in web services, have no indications in response object.

i have confirmed server not return list of states when making post request, returns below when called manually browser:

{   "success": "changes saved!" } 

i'm @ loss on why getting response earlier request post. thoughts?

i figured out. turned out had add "x-requested-with": "xmlhttprequest" requests header:

   configuration.httpadditionalheaders = [             "x-requested-with": "xmlhttprequest"         ] 

now getting responses correctly server.


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