javascript - Why textarea with contenteditable value true don't register keydown event -

it confuse me.
code below shows, when press "ctrl + b" in div, font weight turn bolder, while, won't happen in textarea.
question based on comments in marcus ekwall's answer rendering html inside textarea. can't add comment, ask here.

div, textarea {      width: 100px;      height: 100px;      border: 1px solid;      padding: 5px;  }  textarea {      resize: none;  }    
<div contenteditable="true"></div>  <textarea contenteditable="true" placeholder="textarea"></textarea>

in textarea doesn't work because can not support html tags when run document.execcommand("bold") add <b>fdsfsdfds</b> in selected text

here example using jquery (updated)

$("#editor").keypress("c",function(e){      	if(e.ctrlkey) {                       document.execcommand('bold', false, null);        }        })
#editor {      width: 200px;      height: 200px;      border: 1px solid;      padding: 5px;      resize: none;      border: 1px solid black;      word-wrap: break-word;  }
<script src=""></script>    <div id="editor" contenteditable="true"></div>

please see post keypress jquery: keypress, ctrl+c (or combo that)

more examples document.execcommand


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