php - monthly post timeline for wordpress -

how can use code (demo yearly archive) show posts on several month instead of year? example have 3 posts in jun 2015. , 2 posts in jan 2016 want sort posts in month. below

  1. jun 2015
    • post1
    • post2
    • post3
  2. jan 2016
    • post4
    • post5

this code yearly archive:

<?php get_header(); query_posts('posts_per_page=-1');  	$dates_array 			= array();  	$year_array 			= array();  	$i 				= 0;  	$prev_post_ts    		= null;  	$prev_post_year  		= null;  	$distance_multiplier 	        = 2;  ?>    	<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post();    		$post_ts    =  strtotime($post->post_date);  		$post_year  =  date( 'y', $post_ts );    		/* handle first year special case */  		if ( is_null( $prev_post_year ) ) {  			?>  			<h3 class="archive_year"><?=$post_year?></h3>  			<ol class="archives_list">  			<?php  		}  		else if ( $prev_post_year != $post_year ) {  			/* close off ol */  			?>  			</ol>  			<?php    			$working_year  =  $prev_post_year;    			/* print year headings until reach post year */  			while ( $working_year > $post_year ) {  				$working_year--;  				?>  				<h3 class="archive_year"><?=$working_year?></h3>  				<?php  			}    			/* open new ordered list */  			?>  			<ol class="archives_list">  			<?php  		}    		/* compute difference in days */  		if ( ! is_null( $prev_post_ts ) && $prev_post_year == $post_year ) {  			$dates_diff  =  ( date( 'z', $prev_post_ts ) - date( 'z', $post_ts ) ) * $distance_multiplier;  		}  		else {  			$dates_diff  =  0;  		}  	?>  		<li style="margin-top:<?=$dates_diff?>px"><span class="date"><?php the_time('f j'); ?><sup><?php the_time('s') ?></sup></span> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>  	<?php  		/* subsequent iterations */  		$prev_post_ts    =  $post_ts;  		$prev_post_year  =  $post_year;  	endwhile;    	/* if we've processed @ least *one* post, close ordered list */  	if ( ! is_null( $prev_post_ts ) ) {  		?>  	</ol>  	<?php } ?>

thanks . best regards.


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