eclipse - Spring STS - unable to resolve properties -

this question not related spring, sts tool suite or spring eclipse ide. given following declaration of class

@configuration() @import({ websharedconfig.class, springsecurityconfig.class }) @componentscan({ "com.finovera.web", "com.finovera.platformservices","com.finovera.authentication" }) @propertysources(value = { @propertysource({ "${finovera_properties}" }), @propertysource(value = { "${static_override_properties}", }, ignoreresourcenotfound = true) }) @scope("singleton") @enabletransactionmanagement public class cabinetconfig extends webmvcconfigurationsupport { } 

i seeing following exception in sts plugin (org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core)

org.springframework.beans.factory.beandefinitionstoreexception: failed parse configuration class [com.finovera.web.config.cabinetconfig]; nested exception java.lang.illegalargumentexception: not resolve placeholder 'finovera_properties' in string value "${finovera_properties}" @ org.springframework.context.annotation.configurationclassparser.parse( @ org.springframework.context.annotation.configurationclasspostprocessor.processconfigbeandefinitions( 

error simple properties name passed jvm when application starts. application run time code works fine, sts not. lot of functionality missing main configuration scan fails. commenting out property sources annotation, works fine.

how pass property value sts or convince ignore propertysources annotation?

i think limitation in current implementation. please file enhancement request against: , can try fix next release of sts , spring ide.


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