facebook page tab - client doesn't appear in the drop down list when add page tab -

i trying make facebook page tab client , following steps in following link:


edit: these steps:

  1. login in developer account
  2. choose "add new app" -> webpage
  3. input app display name , click "create app id"
  4. choose "add platform" in app dashboard -> settings, choose "page tab"

  5. input page content's link in "secure page tab url" field - https

  6. open browser , type [facebook_url]/dialog/pagetab?app_id=my_app_id&next=my_url, replace my_app_id app id find in setting, replace my_url link in step 5

then found stuck because there no option can choose in "facebook pages" list, shown in image below: facebook add page tab

then did 2 more steps:

  1. in dash board, go settings , input contact email

  2. in status , review menu, switch yes on "do want make app , live features available general public?"

tried again facebook owner still no show in list

as far know facebook page owner has granted me administrator right page. else need set or page owner need set , didn't mentioned in above steps?


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