c++ - DirectX - Drawing with GDI on a IDirect3DTexture9 -

i trying draw text using gdi textouta on idirect3dtexture9 dont see on screen.

here code:

hfont pfont = createfonta(-10 * nlogpixelsy / 72, 0, 0, 0, 700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "arial");  idirect3dtexture9* pfonttex = null; pdxdevice->createtexture(100, 100, 1, 0, d3dfmt_x8r8g8b8, d3dpool_managed, &pfonttex, null);  ////////////////////////////  idirect3dsurface9* ppsurface = null; hdc mdc = null; if (pfonttex->getsurfacelevel(0, &ppsurface) == d3d_ok) {     if (ppsurface->getdc(&mdc) == d3d_ok)     {         selectobject(mdc, pfont);         settextcolor(mdc, 0x00ff00ff);         setbkmode(mdc, transparent);         textouta(mdc, 0, 0, "test", 4);          //messageboxa(0, "work", 0, 0);          ppsurface->releasedc(mdc);     }      ppsurface->release(); }  pdxdevice->settexture(0, pfonttex); pdxdevice->setrenderstate(d3drs_alphatestenable, true); pdxdevice->setrenderstate(d3drs_alphafunc, d3dcmp_greaterequal); pdxdevice->setrenderstate(d3drs_alpharef, 0x01); pdxdevice->drawprimitive(d3dpt_trianglefan, 0, 2); 


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