c++ - Qt QUrlQuery param split -

i use qt v5.5. need http request this

qurlquery urlquery; urlquery.setquery("https://lalala.com/login"); urlquery.addqueryitem("submit", ""); urlquery.addqueryitem("email", "email@email.com"); urlquery.addqueryitem("pass", "unbelievable_password"); 

when call urlquery.query(); url


the param "submit" first param, need use '?' split param name, param split '&'.

you want url qurl, add query items on -- , not have url query item itself!

qurl url("https://www.foo.com");  qurlquery query; query.addqueryitem("email", "foo@bar.com"); query.addqueryitem("pass", "secret");  url.setquery(query);  qdebug() << url; 

correctly prints



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