how can android play video by inputstream -

i got input stream socket cctv,but not know how display video,is there apis?in words,how can android display cctv???

my question:i have used video framework display video,which display string path. want displaying can figure out???

help me....

`void playfunction(){      string path = "";      videoview mvideoview;      edittext medittext;     medittext = (edittext) findviewbyid(;     mvideoview = (videoview) findviewbyid(;  //      path="";     path = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getabsolutepath() + "/cctvwatch.mp4";   if (path == "") {         // tell user provide media file url/path.         toast.maketext(videoviewdemo.this, "please edit videoviewdemo activity, , set path" + " variable media file url/path", toast.length_long).show();         return;     } else {         /*          * alternatively,for streaming media can use          * mvideoview.setvideouri(uri.parse(urlstring));          */          mvideoview.setvideopath(path);         mvideoview.setmediacontroller(new mediacontroller(this));         mvideoview.requestfocus();          mvideoview.setonpreparedlistener(new mediaplayer.onpreparedlistener() {             @override             public void onprepared(mediaplayer mediaplayer) {                 // optional need vitamio 4.0                 mediaplayer.setplaybackspeed(1.0f);             }         });     } } 



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