version control - How to search an entire repository which contains folder named "trunk" in SVN -

how can list of paths of repositories( each repo has branches,tags,trunk) in file.

we have huge repository , trying list of paths of repositories has "trunk" folder name specifically.

i tried using svn list grep how root level , search folder name , path of every repository has folder name.

i saw in couple of blogs use svn tree well.

if me example great. new svn apologies if verbiage not understandable.

if have wc of any node of super-repo, can repo-root (in rather fresh svn):

wc\trunk\sub>svn ls -r "^/" branches/ branches/sprint01/ branches/sprint01/sub/ branches/sprint01/sub/c.txt branches/sprint01/a.txt branches/sprint01/b.txt tags/ trunk/ trunk/sub/ trunk/sub/c.txt trunk/a.txt trunk/b.txt 

regexp grep, collect trunk/ (somename/trunk/ in use-case, afaicr), nor trunk/sub/ nor trunk/a.txt easy work after man grep


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