xcode - App requests new keychain access to Parse SDK after name change -

we changed our bundle name (*note not bundle identifier).

ever since then, users have been reporting getting requests access keychain.

i understand keychain linked bundle identifier, linked bundle name?

or have change credentials on parse after bundle name change?

it sounds item in keychain needs access control list updating.

locate relevant item in keychain , bring context menu (right-click).

context menu

select get info , you'll see dialog 2 tabs. select second labelled access control

access control dialog

as can see in above image, google chrome application has access item.

assuming newly named bundle isn't in list, can add test. if there, remove reproduce problem customers seeing.

using keychain services reference, can programmatically retrieve item's acl , add / remove application. may want read keychain services guide first.

note, experience, apple's keychain application doesn't correctly show what's in each list, api does.


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