mvc - Scheduled task on Azure that runs a webpage with javascript -

i have data-driven view on azure site renders lot of javascript/ css / xml , html third party plugin , generates pdf emailed user.

i need call page on weekly schedule each user - , azure jobs it's straightforward set up. there no javascript engine render code generates pdf, options?

would have go down route of installing nodejs on azure instance? if steps , other modules required.

the site running mvc c# , has sql end.

cheers pointers.

if code need run can factored / extracted node.js app, can run scheduled azure webjob. can find details on how here. don't need install node.js - it's installed on azure app service workers.

one thing note webjobs run execution sandbox (details here) , there restrictions on allowed run in sandbox. you'd have experiment see if pdf library runs there.

for example, 1 of popular libraries pdf generation wkhtmtopdf not work on azure app service. so post discusses in more detail. 1 user has hosted wkhtmtopdf on azure vm , offers service can call.


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