c# - Can I change all solution's projects output paths simultaneously in VS12/10? -

i have solution on 61 projects.

there 3 target platforms: 'debug', 'release', 'release tablet'
there 2 solution platforms: 'x86' , 'any cpu'

i want projects build in 2 folders:
d:\samplepath\debug\ 'debug' configuration on platform 'x86' , 'any cpu'
d:\samplepath\release\ 'release' , 'release tablet' configurations on platforms

is there simple way manage of these paths rather setting them 1 one (it's 61x3x2 = 366 paths set !sic!)? in advance

try (i run code in linqpad, can create console app if like):

const string xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"; void main() {      var dir = @"c:\proj\catalyst\source";      var xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003";      foreach( var configfile in directory.enumeratefiles(dir,"*.csproj",searchoption.alldirectories))      {                       var doc = xdocument.load(configfile);                        var paths = doc.descendants(xname.get("outputpath",xmlns));         foreach(var path in paths)         {             path.value = "\"$(solutiondir)$(configurationname)\$(platformname)\"";         }         doc.save(configfile);      } } 

this make output directory relative solution file (though can replace $(solutiondir) absolute path if like.)


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