- Most effective method of communicating between two android app installations -

i writing android app uses , pubnub together. app uses pubnub communicate between 2 installations. app ever need 1-on-1 communication. not chat, however. 1 installation send boolean (among other values) across pubnub installation picks , runs methods depending on values sent. sends other value across first install, responds values (all of not seen user).

the above thing use pubnub for. have been looking parse push notifications , can see can send json data along push, interpreted receiving install. it apparently possible make notifications "silent", take advantage of.

is there wrong removing pubnub altogether , relying on parse little back-and-forth between apps?

pubnub realtime messaging mobile push fallback

parse push is mobile push notifications (apns , gcm). if want/need realtime messaging, use pubnub mobile push fallback , continue use parse baas.

if need mobile push , using parse, parse push should best option (for simplicity , economic reasons).

this place started learning pubnub's mobile push gateway.

to full details on mobile push notification setup, configuration , implementation pubnub, visit sdk docs platform targeting: ios, android, phonegap, xamarin.ios,, or 1 of the other 70+ sdks.


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