ruby - Generate Rows And Columns from Rails Console -

i have small predicament.

i have table called users. table users has relationship table called user notification. here migration user table:

create_table "user_notifications", force: :cascade |t|     t.belongs_to :user     t.integer "other_user"     t.integer  "unseen_count",    default: 0     t.datetime "created_at",                  null: false     t.datetime "updated_at",                  null: false   end 

the problem when create new user table populated row of new user. how add row existing users. needed function of app. using putty connect server tool have rails console.

example: have 60 users. how have 60 users row in new table using rails console.

edit: method use whenever user signed up. can use method within rails console or create deviation of this?


after_create :create_user_notification      def create_user_notification   usernotification.create(:user_id => end 

thank in advance.

if understand correctly want add notification each user record.

given have models this:

class user   has_many :user_notifications end  class usernotification   belongs_to :user end 

to insert record each user this:

user.all.find_in_batches(batch_size: 10).each |u|   u.user_notifications.create(message: 'hello dear') end 

.find_in_batches might not matter if have 60 records if have 60,000 server run out of memory.


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