Accessing Objective-C variables/functions from Swift -
suppose have connector named connector.m (written in objective-c). , create new connector written using swift, named connector.swift. access of variables , methods swift. have create bridging-header , write import of header file of connector. can't access of global variables on objective-c class.
nsstring * const khttp_method_get = @"get";
public class connector: nsobject { var parentconnector : connector override init() { self.parentconnector = connector } func test() { print(parentconnector.khttp_method_get) //--> error : value of type 'connector' has no member 'khttp_method_get' } }
is possible this? thanks.
add following line in connector.h.
extern nsstring * const khttp_method_get;
include connector.h bridging header file.
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